Hey guys. I have been busy lately and have been struggling to find the motivation to write. Yes, I do still like writing, but it has been hard for me to get words down these days. I do have moments of inspiration and motivation, but those seem to be far and few these days. While I will not leave my stories unfinished, I may take a bit of a break in writing to focus on other things. There are still so many stories I want to get too but I will try to finish A Panic at the Disco and Suga Rush first. I also hope to make major edits to Soulmates eventually. It was not my best work and was rushed, considering I was publishing two chapters a day that were for the most part under a thousand words. I’ve been struggling with my emotional investment in fan fiction for a while now, both in reading and writing, so I am just gonna focus on sorting some things out for now and see if I can rekindle that passion I once had! And hopefully keep it for a long time!