
@Thundamonkeyz  oh! And thanks for the fan!!!!


@AhemedTheSloth Nice! XD My brother pushed me into a pool once so I threatened to cut his hair when he was sleeping but instead I painted his nails bright pink! Then I hid the nail polish remover and he got SO mad. It was actually pretty funny, then his girlfriend came over and helped me do his makeup while he was sleeping too! XD 
          Now that I think about probably not the nicest younger sister :D Oh well! Random message again haha


@KissMeSoftly I was once threatened by a kid who said he'd steal my lunch money. That would seem like something that happens daily in elementary schools around the world, except that I was fifteen and he looked ten... not to mention that I was two feet taller. Apparently I stepped on his trolley bag on the way to my class in the morning and he exploded inside xD
          And that's true, they definitely are :D


@AhmedTheSloth You know after I read what I wrote on your wall I was like, wait that doesn't even make sense...oh well! But sure I'll teach you! 
          Haha that freshman was by far my absolute favorite kid! He just made the best threats :P 
          But no worries! I love random messages, their the most fun to read :D 


Thanks :) though it's pretty awesome how you said you died laughing then apparently came back to life to tell me that. Mind teaching me how to do that some day? :D
          I noticed that story about the freshman at the bottom of your about me while I scrolled down here... made my day. 
          Anyways I suppose this is more random than your message :P so no worries.