
No one hardly ever talk to me on here it's suck Bc I don't have kik or facebook or instagram all because of my mom doesn't trust me at all so I get really bored..... But no one cares about me so bye


@Kissesforyou14 use ur phone 2 find ppl 2 chat with 


Im grounded from everthing beside my phone


No one hardly ever talk to me on here it's suck Bc I don't have kik or facebook or instagram all because of my mom doesn't trust me at all so I get really bored..... But no one cares about me so bye


@Kissesforyou14 use ur phone 2 find ppl 2 chat with 


Im grounded from everthing beside my phone


Maybe i am better off dead 


Thanks i been thinking about it but im not ok i promise u this and thank u for being so kind to me i would love to get to know u more 


@Kissesforyou14 I don't care if you're playing around or not, but you need to know this. A lot of people out there care about you so much! They all, including me, a total stranger, wouldn't want to hear that one of my readers died. Stay strong. 


Why? I lay in my bed  thinking why ? Why me I didnt choose to live this life to get hurt so many times to get cheated on lied to I just wanted happiness that's all I asked for in my life it to have the old me the me that was happy and healthy and had good good self esteem and not the me I am now the one that has scars and thinks bad about herself and starves herself just found something better about herself and cries herself to sleep now and then now I realize I'm the who keeps my self in darkness where I can't get hurt where the pain is gone where I can just listen to my voice in my head where my demons are all I know and need then I go back to thinking why? I always go back to that one word and I can never found the answer to why I'm the person I am today but I'm kinda happy I am the person I am today.....