
Dear followers,
          	My mind is currently a cloud while my body feels strictly numb. If you are hoping for updates, I'm sorry. I will hopefully update something soon, I promise I'm trying. But my brain feels just too week and every time I try to pick up a paint brush or begin to tell a story my brain pulls hard on the string that says I can't think. School is starting soon and I'm taking some college courses with some good people, so I have that for me. I recently have made paper art that I can be proud of and I'm trying to focus on my accomplishments so my creative juices will flow through my soul once again. My medication is working all too well, making my mind blank and my shoulders shrug. I love with no passion and the blood that runs through my arms make me feel sad inside. I just look at my veins and wonder why they still work for me. I hope to find my creativity soon. Until I wake from this mind numbing slumber, I bid you adieu. 


@Kissthekilljoy I love you, oh my god.


Dear followers,
          My mind is currently a cloud while my body feels strictly numb. If you are hoping for updates, I'm sorry. I will hopefully update something soon, I promise I'm trying. But my brain feels just too week and every time I try to pick up a paint brush or begin to tell a story my brain pulls hard on the string that says I can't think. School is starting soon and I'm taking some college courses with some good people, so I have that for me. I recently have made paper art that I can be proud of and I'm trying to focus on my accomplishments so my creative juices will flow through my soul once again. My medication is working all too well, making my mind blank and my shoulders shrug. I love with no passion and the blood that runs through my arms make me feel sad inside. I just look at my veins and wonder why they still work for me. I hope to find my creativity soon. Until I wake from this mind numbing slumber, I bid you adieu. 


@Kissthekilljoy I love you, oh my god.