
Hey Guys! I made a new Wattpad account called Kawaii_Vikklan and its basically my Youtubers fandom account!! So it would be great if you could go give it a follow.


Umm Okay well this is hard for me to say but...
          I've been cutting for a long time. I always would cut under where my watch was to hide it... I even hid it from my best friend. The reason why I cut well... It's because I feel like I'm worthless and just a huge mistake. My parents yell at me and each other, I'm always alone, I have a crush on someone who would never like me back... Trust me the list goes on.
          I just felt like I was hiding something from you guys so yeah... There's the truth. But I have lessened on the amount I cut, I used to cut multiple times but now I only do it once or twice a week, and the reason for that is because Wattpad has made me so happy and I love you guys so much, you're like the world to me and to all of my best friends internet or not, you are truly amazing.
          So thank you. 


Thank you as well!!! Its kinda crazy to hear someone say that... So thanks *internet hugz*


I did stop completely, but I had slipped to bitting self harm twice but I have promised o never do that again. Also along with my crush, it is another person now (just gonna say it, it was a girl I liked before) and I actually kinda have a chance...


this message may be offensive
Holy shit... This was from so long ago


@LPminekraft look I'm being serious I have been through what u have, (look at my book Perks of being a teen and all shall be clear) and u have actually helped, u have touch more people than u think u have. Just know that those people u have touched would be hurt more than u have if u (u know what) commit suicide okay. ❤️❤️❤️