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You guys I have devastating news my book always has been banned from Wattpad and I am at a loss for words. I have worked almost 3 YEARS!!!!! On that book with nearly 350 THOUSAND READS and now all of my hard deserved work down the fucking drain. I feel useless new that I know I deserved how viral that story went and new that it’s gone I feel like shit it feels like a pit in my stomach like I’m gonna throw up or a person suck at the bottom of a ten foot deep well I HATE WATTPAD for everything they have done it me I DID NOT deserve to get my story taken away from me I want to cry my eyes out but at the same time I want to punch a wall or throw something across my bedroom I have a small heart to try and at least remake it but I know I could never remember all 65+ chapters of that story. I am so sorry for all the reader to still read or enjoyed that book and bows it’s gone maybe the story will comeback but I highly doubt it I might make a new book on something completely different but I don’t know I need time to myself and for all the other authors who have had their story banned on Wattpad I now feel your pain but as of now FUCK THE WATTPAD TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!