So... @thebooknerd63 tagged me in the 13 questions thingy? Yeah. Okay. Here you go, stalkers :)
1: Do you like someone? Hahaha okay wow I do, you caught me there.
2: Do they like you back? I don't think fictional characters can fall in love with you.
3: Middle name? Don't have one, even check my birth certificate. Actually don't, you stalkers.
4: Single or Taken? Well my heart is taken by Phil Lester and Dan Howell but other than that, IT'S A SECRET.
5: Last person I texted? XD My idiot of a close friend.
6: Last song I listened to? Sofa by my celeb crush Ed Sheeran
7: battery percentage? 79% Just minus 10% and I would've loved it :p
8: Closest female friend? My sarcastic, cynical twat close friend [ she's one of my spirit animals ]
9: Closest male friend? Augh I just messed up the friendship, I'm a bad human being, I don't need anyone else to tell me that.
10: OTP???? Phan and Kickthestickz... okay Troyler too, dw
11: Why did I create this account? Well I want to write books that include awkward people.
12: Current lock screen? It's lit-ra-lee a drawn black tunnel. I don't know, it's just my aesthetic, I guess?
13: Birthday? okay okay, I'm a Leo. Now go and tell me that it sounds like I don't take up any of the traits a Leo is supposed to have.
And I tag the people ?
[ note that I don't really mind if you don't do it so yeah ]
and @The-flight