
So apparently people's actions are now my responsibility and should apologize to a now 35 year old woman for calling out her grooming behavior on minors when she got them to participate in smut in DM's and some even admitted they didn't want to.
          	If there is nothing shameful, why would it need to be privately messaged?


@infern8king101 she's also a narcissist, she can't admit when she's done something wrong or hurt other's.


@KitsuneJinx dang, sorry to those minors. And you for going through tgat crap


@battie1894 you mean she's a predator.
          	  She can't and won't see that her actions are wrong and won't admit that it's not right to rp smut with kids. Even if their 16, 17 or 18, a 32 year old should not be contacting someone so young in such a way when they have expressed they don't want to RP such a thing, it should not be pushed.
          	  Having autism does not excuse such actions. I know plenty of adult's with autism who knows this is wrong.


So apparently people's actions are now my responsibility and should apologize to a now 35 year old woman for calling out her grooming behavior on minors when she got them to participate in smut in DM's and some even admitted they didn't want to.
          If there is nothing shameful, why would it need to be privately messaged?


@infern8king101 she's also a narcissist, she can't admit when she's done something wrong or hurt other's.


@KitsuneJinx dang, sorry to those minors. And you for going through tgat crap


@battie1894 you mean she's a predator.
            She can't and won't see that her actions are wrong and won't admit that it's not right to rp smut with kids. Even if their 16, 17 or 18, a 32 year old should not be contacting someone so young in such a way when they have expressed they don't want to RP such a thing, it should not be pushed.
            Having autism does not excuse such actions. I know plenty of adult's with autism who knows this is wrong.


I gave my stall notice into the building manager today after another stallholder once again came at me.
          This lady tried to have a go at me, and I said, "I really don't need this right now.
          She got in my face saying, "I don't f**king care how you feel."
          Within seconds, I cut her off, and I said, "Don't f**king speak to me like that, I'm not your dog."
          She told me to act my age and told her, "Just because you're a c**t to everyone, doesn't make you mature."


No one cares about your coin offer wattpad, you suck, face it.


@TeenyPsyko I don't use wattpad anymore for the dm reason.


And the Dm feature they removed


@KitsuneJinx The books are what keep me using it


this message may be offensive
Asians aren't white, their f**king Asian.
          Anyone who says their white or white agacent are f*cking idiot's.
          Take a look at the cultural differences you racist pieces of sh*t.
          F**k off woke gumtards.


Anyone who uses race as an excuse for not being cherry-picked, you do not meet the standards, so you use race as an excuse for your untapped potential.
            I have my own little business.
            If I had an black woman or man, white woman or man, Asian woman or man who can do a job better than the other two and work at the pay I'm offering, I'm going to hire them, because their the better option.
            It's to do with skill technique.
            Maybe someone with special needs is better than them, in which I would hire them.
            I'm of color myself, I also have adhd and dylxia, so stfu.
            I've been turned down because of my dyslexia because it required a lot of accurate writing due to the fact that, there were Chinese people.
            This was because of the language barrier, not because im of color.


Ben and Jerry's is overrated.
          The quality of the ice cream it's self is average, and the added treats are also average.
          The only thing they have on their side is a wide range of flavors, such as cherry, but instead of rich, all of it is just sweet.


this message may be offensive
I'm so fricken over people today.
          I'm just fucking done.
          My mum asked me to take the kittens on to see the residence at her work.
          I did that only to have this bitch reach into the cage and yank one of the kittens out.
          I told her let them come out on their own, they don't like stranger's, only for my mum to basically tell me to shut up.
          As a foster it's my job to socialize them, get them use to the cage, and traveling.
          They didn't want to be held when I first got them and I've worked hard in the last week to be comfortable with ne cuddling them, handling them, like the cage ect ect ect.
          This bitch just yanked jelly out of the cage away from his brother.
          I wasn't even meant to have them outside.
          Then this bitch complained about how I didn't do her alterations in 5 days when I explained to her, I had other jobs ahead  of her, hers was big for me, and the fast solution was to overlock the cuff and turn it like she wanted.
          But she didn't communicate that it was okay or that it wasn't.
          I have 3 days off 5 days on, so 4 days' worth of other jobs, a head of hers plus 3 urgent jobs.
          That bumps hers back more.
          Fuck people, I'm so done, I never wanted to do clothing alterations.


I actually hate sewing now.