
Going to start working on my first book on here A Phoenix Dreams, so going to be dividing it up to chapters first!  I will then look over it all again so the story will probably change a little bit but I have learned a lot from everyone’s help so I feel hopeful about doing it better now:)


Going to start working on my first book on here A Phoenix Dreams, so going to be dividing it up to chapters first!  I will then look over it all again so the story will probably change a little bit but I have learned a lot from everyone’s help so I feel hopeful about doing it better now:)


I feel good enough to start writing again now, just waiting on some new glasses as now one eye is long sighted…it’s so weird?!  I’ve been short sighted for a lot of years, so I have some weird contrast going on between each eye.  But anyways I will be releasing some new material soon that I was working on before to continue the stories I had started writing before my eye had started to bleed and made seeing difficult.  So I apologise for the long wait for some of the stories but I hope you like what I post soon and I will be working on three, maybe four different stories, depending on which characters are talking to me that week!  


My latest update is I am able to keep my job because I got two Doctors to write letters on my behalf to say I can still work and do this job even if I have to do it with one eye closed.  If I hadn’t been so prepared I would have lost my job.  They even told me today they got a replacement for me…It was a tough time but the best advice I give anyone who may end up in a similar situation is stay strong and try all avenues to you.  I showed the doctor at the hospital the letter I received from my work place and he couldn’t understand why they were saying I couldn’t work?  I explained about the trouble I had been having and asked for him if he could write a letter supporting me, taking a chance there and asking worked for me.  So don’t be shy in trying and asking for help in these situations, you never know what might work.


I have finally left hospital but not for long, going to see surgeon tomorrow who will check up on her handy work and she will find out something went wrong with the surgery afterwards.  Hopefully I will see again one day.  All I see in my right eye now is shadow.


Update:Made it through the surgeries, should have insisted on general anaesthetic instead of the local anaesthetic surgeon recommended.  Horrible experience and I think after it my body went into shock either because of the surgeries or anaesthetic or both.  Now it’s recovery time for me.  Thank you so much @artistic_devotee for your well wishes


Going for surgery tomorrow for ongoing eye conditions making me slowly go blind.  I have retinapathy and I will be undergoing keyhole surgery for that as well as some layering.  I will also be be getting treated for macular degeneration which is an injection in my eye.  Both conditions are fighting to make me blinder faster.  All in all I just wanted to thank the people who helped me with my writing and hopefully my eyesight will last a bit longer.  Kitsuneume 


Thank you so much for your kindness @artistic_devotee :)


@Kitsuneume Good luck for your surgery! I really hope you're okay and get better soon. And keep up with the writing :) Sending my well wishes ❤️