Hello Mie Kittens!!! I'm SOOOOO sorry for not posting in forever, I'm SOOOO sorry for not replying to comments, I haven't had time to post this year and I PROMISE I will try to post more.
I've had more homework than I've ever had this year, I've been reading the Warriors books to brush up on some of the stuff that I got wrong in Warrior Crafted. Like how Yellowfang was still alive, Longtail's personality, BrambleClaw's personality, Cinderpelt's personality (This book took place sometime around FireStar's Quest so she would still have been alive, and yes I read a Super Edition first it was an accident). Basically everyone's persona. Gizzy's Warrior name. I've been looking over grammar in my newer books which takes even longer. I can't pay an editor, I don't have a steady income, I'm still in school (Well I guess picking up after my dogs counts but I don't have a way of getting the money to the editor). I also regret not finishing ANY of my books with a proper ending. I went back and read my first fanfic and I read the authors notes on how I was out of ideas I had ideas I just didn't know how to implement them into the story. My grammar was awful. I want to re-write some of them, like my FNATC book, my Muted book, My Enderlox book. I want to start most of these books over. But my time is divided into school, homework, family, and friends. I want to finish An Anime Love, but I don't pre-write, I wing it, I write what comes to me and then I correct it later... When I first started Wattpad I didn't care how many followers I had, I just wanted to share my ideas. Now it's all about haw many Followers you have and how many reads, how many times you've been nominated for a Watty. This will be part of of a three part message, I'm running out of writing space. So, goodnite my Kittens and see you in part two of this message.
~Kimmy Kortez
Part One
~1885 letters~