
Listen. I don’t want any trouble. NOW GIVE ME YOUR KNEES.


Hey, guys. Just so y'all know, the account I'm messaging is no longer being used. I now use this account. Please be considerate of these times, and respect my decisions. I hate my old accounts with a passion. I hope you don't get upset from this news that I've kept from you for a while. To all my followers, follow me on this account. It's honestly better and I find myself happier here on this new account. I'll follow you guys now.


My biggest issue in roleplay?
          When they only want realistic photos. My OCs are Gacha. You can’t tell me I’m not allowed to show my OCs the way they were designed. Plus, I can actually make the OC the way I imagine them instead of searching on Google for celebrities!


            I agree with that. I've seen many people want real life face claims to many times.