My name is Florinda if you wanna get to know me look ↓below↓.
you are the light that guides me I live by my motto. Some of you may ask "What's a motto?" I will retort, "Nothing what's a motto with you?" *Bursts into crazy laughter and tears* YOU NEED TO SEE THAT MOVIE!!!!!! MY FAVORITE THING IN THIS WORLD AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT. IDK what all the caps was about... any who I am pretty busy this year since I just started college and am preparing to drop out. Blah blah blah point is my "followers" will be known as my litter because you are what supports me and keeps me up when I have nothing else to do. I'm not judgmental in forms of my belief that gender roles, romances, and changes do not bother me in the slightest.

Would I date a transgender?

Would I ever change my gender?
Nope. I'm content as a proud bisexual female.

Do I do Drugs?
Not anymore. I have shit to do so the pot head in me is going into extreme hibernation mode. I do not recommend it. I may be called a hypocritical bitch but if you have the choice don't do it. what ever do you the only way that you know how unless that way is fake then do you the way you really don't want people to judge you for.

Whats my favorite type of couples? Gays that never stop joking with each other. I fan girl worse over these than with the Salvator Brothers from The Vampire Diaries!!!

Wow!! That dragged on apologies for ranting in your face any who here are the links enjoy being in my life.

Contact info below.
Twitter: Best form of contact.
  • Laredo, Texas
  • IscrittoApril 22, 2015

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KittenMistress9 KittenMistress9 Dec 01, 2017 05:42AM
I know I'm a dissapointment.... and a sad piece of shit. I'm terribly sorry for making you wait or just give up on my stories. I want to get back on them but I've literally had no time to myself. I c...
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