Hi, I like sarcasm, books, music, cats, and very few people are toleratable to me. I'm dirty minded and perverted at times. Love to laugh and joke around. Puns are cool. Anime is cooler. Enough said, bye.
  • Tamaki's Emo Corner
  • Дата регистрацииDecember 6, 2016

Последнее сообщение
Kitty1304 Kitty1304 Nov 02, 2018 05:13PM
Hey everyone. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to myself as most of my friends and family forgot. So happy 14th birthday myself.
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История от Sassy Little Shit-Head
The Real Me от Kitty1304
The Real Me
So hello this is just going to be a book about me. It's going to be my journal, i'm going to write in this wh...
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