
Hello again; this is just a quick update about my Half-Blood Princess Series. As I've decided to add to the history/timeline of the story (e.g., Snape has a sister who is the main character in my Reguls Black story), I have chosen to edit my HBP series to work better with the rest of the story and tidy up anything, including grammar, spelling, and cringy writing in the first few books as I did write them when I was like 15, and looking back and some things I'm like why did I write that.
          	So, if you are rereading some of my books and they seem different, that might be why. Feel free to question any changes in the comments; I'll gladly clarify.
          	Also, I'll write "Edited" at the bottom so you will know if I've done so yet.
          	Doing all of the books may take a while, but I won't be changing major plot points; just badly written, clunky parts or things I added that have no point to them and are just stupid (e.g. Tilly being able to "control" the weather, as I ignored that after a while)
          	Finally, while I will add little bits of detail regarding my two other HP book series, My Salvation (Regules Black) and His Achilles Heel (Tom Riddle), it won't focus on them at all and only touch on how they are relevant. The rest of their stories will be in their books.
          	That's all for now. I hope this is okay with everyone and you're all doing well.
          	Thanks again for reading my books.
          	Xoxo Kitty.


Hello! I've been reading your books, and that inspired me to write one of mine too! It's called Fate's Alchemy (A Snape's daughter story) on my page. It would mean a lot if you check it out and share your views! 
          Thanks!! <3


@Sushi024567 Hi I like and love both your stories and work it's very cool to have narnia fanfic, but keep up the good work in time and no rush, just don't delete your stories please because I really love it, have a good day


Hey kitty.. I read about all your books and found them truly amazing... Wonderful plotting and amazing character development... I must say.. One of the best I've read on wattpadd.. Given that I would love for you to give feed back on my new book-The other Snape- well... It's a severus Snape fanfic and I would really like your opinion and suggestions..
          Thanks ❤️‍


Hello again; this is just a quick update about my Half-Blood Princess Series. As I've decided to add to the history/timeline of the story (e.g., Snape has a sister who is the main character in my Reguls Black story), I have chosen to edit my HBP series to work better with the rest of the story and tidy up anything, including grammar, spelling, and cringy writing in the first few books as I did write them when I was like 15, and looking back and some things I'm like why did I write that.
          So, if you are rereading some of my books and they seem different, that might be why. Feel free to question any changes in the comments; I'll gladly clarify.
          Also, I'll write "Edited" at the bottom so you will know if I've done so yet.
          Doing all of the books may take a while, but I won't be changing major plot points; just badly written, clunky parts or things I added that have no point to them and are just stupid (e.g. Tilly being able to "control" the weather, as I ignored that after a while)
          Finally, while I will add little bits of detail regarding my two other HP book series, My Salvation (Regules Black) and His Achilles Heel (Tom Riddle), it won't focus on them at all and only touch on how they are relevant. The rest of their stories will be in their books.
          That's all for now. I hope this is okay with everyone and you're all doing well.
          Thanks again for reading my books.
          Xoxo Kitty.


Hi everyone, just thought I’d do a quick update. Obviously I haven’t posted in many months, I am still writing the High Queen series I’ve just had a little writers block for this books. 
          So, I’ve written a lot more since from different fandoms including Star Wars (Sequels), Marauders Era, Tom Riddle Era, The 100, Lab Rats, Young Justice, Hunger Games, Maze Runner and Outer Banks. 
          I know that’s a lot and many aren’t close to being done, mainly the TV Shows as those take a lot longer than Movie adaptations. 
          I will try to finish the High Queen book asap and then only post the other books once they are done so you aren’t left hanging as such. 
          Hope you are all okay with this and let me know which book/s you are looking forward to. 
          Xoxo Kitty


Hello, once again. This is only quick. As someone you have seen, I've finished The High Queen Book Two!! But I'm on Uni Exam's right now which means I'm taking a little break from writing (one to two months).
          I will be writing the third book in the Narnia trilogy, don't worry it might just be out later than previously expected.
          So sorry, but I'll post it as soon as possible.
          XOXO Kitty.


Secondly, for those reading my newest two books (Narnia) I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a very long time. I will try to post in the next week or two but exams are close approaching so I can’t promise anything. Sorry. 
          I have written up to chapter 16 and am working on the last five chapters now. When they’re done I will post the chapters. 
          Thanks Kitty. 


Hello readers, for those who are interested I have rewritten all of chapter 30 in book 7 because I did t like how I’d done it. Also parts of other chapters (25-29) have been minority changed but mainly it’s just chapter 30 and Snape’s death in chapter 26. If you would like to see the changes please go have a quick read


Hello my Harry Potter readers, I have a question to ask you. 
          In my last book of the series (book 7) the end of it (last few chapter) were a bit rushed due to personal reasons. I wanted to know if you think I should re write the ending a little to be a little cleaner and not as fast pace with one thing happening then moving on. 
          The ending won’t change drastically just a bit more information/charter reaction etc
          Anyway let me know