
I'm abandoning all my old projects in favor of rewrites. I've chosen this solely to restructure these stories of mine in a more followable fashion, I'm gonna begin with rewritting Let's Save the Universe, and I'll possibly rewrite Hybrid in Highschool as well. However, HiH is a project I will not be returning to.


I'm abandoning all my old projects in favor of rewrites. I've chosen this solely to restructure these stories of mine in a more followable fashion, I'm gonna begin with rewritting Let's Save the Universe, and I'll possibly rewrite Hybrid in Highschool as well. However, HiH is a project I will not be returning to.


Long story short. School, writer's block, Discord drama, and home stuff... Sorrey I haven't posted anything withint the last couple of months or so. I'm working on a T.K.O. X OC story to try and solve my writing block to continue my other stories. I might even rewatch Steven Universe to try anf get back into it to continue HiH and LStU. I hope I can finish those stories and make it up to ya'll! I also hope you all have been enjoying my stories so far.


Hey ya'll! I'm sure some have noticed that I kinda stopped posting my Hybrid in Highschool story. Don't worry. Lately I've been busy with school and I've had some severe writer's block. I'm proud to introduce a new story I will be writing alongside my SU story! I got into OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes, so now I'm writing a short cross over story with that and Steven Universe! Hope you all enjoy it! I'll try to post regularly.