Can I just say I love all of you. But there have been people who have been there throughout all of it. So welcome to the first KittyCatnip15 thank you shout outs!
And sooooo many more! Thank you all in general. If ur not up here. I still love u just know that k?
Can I just say I love all of you. But there have been people who have been there throughout all of it. So welcome to the first KittyCatnip15 thank you shout outs!
And sooooo many more! Thank you all in general. If ur not up here. I still love u just know that k?
Oi! I had an idea! I'm starting a wolf pack, cuz I've been obsessed with wolf lately idek, and It's called the shadow pack. I'm your luna and if you wanna join just reply to this comment and what you want to be. Heck you could just join bc u can!
Okkkkkk guys so I started a new book called THE DARK ANGEL and it's NOT a fanfiction. Who new?! Anyway if you're into like magic and that kind of stuff, well it has Fairies as werewolfs in it soooo yeah. But anyway check it!!
~Kìttÿ Çåt
Can I say thank ya to one of mah newest followers @The_Silver_snowball_
She has read and LOVES (from what I can tell) Air, one of my newest books. So u go follow her and stay kawaii my potatoes!!
@KittyCatnip15 Awww thank yah, and yes I Love love love your story Air the description was really good and the story even better so yeah keep updating Plz ( you just gained a fan ^_^)