
Chapter 24 is up. It's kind of lame, but later tonight, or some time tomorrow, chapter 25 will be up. and It'll be longer. pinky promise!


I just got to the part in your raising haze book (found the two books when looking for gay stuff) where you talk about why you wouldn't updating very much (books finished when I'm reading it so didn't notice) an your story about your kid and stuff pulled at my heartstrings more than any movie, book, tv show, etc. I wish the best for you. Then quick question, is the dad still around? Sorry it's personal you don't have to answer. 


@BlueEyes2504  I'm sorry, I just noticed this! Thank you so much(:


 Wait no sorry it's not done. Thought it was, lol my brain. :P


Alright guys.. since I got my laptop back, profile updated, and new covers for Coming Out and Raising Haze, I'd like to let you all know that I will be updating Raising Haze at LEAST once a week (maybe more) until it is finished from here on out, and within a couple days, I should have a chapter or two of a new book I've been working on up! So, hopefully you enjoy everything from here on out. Thanks for reading, and for all the votes and comments. It means a lot! Much love to you all <3


Hi @KittyMariee I love your book coming out and Raising Haze im in the middle of Raising Haze. Where did you come up with Haze's real name? Its so beautiful. I named my daughter that when she was born 2 months ago after reading the book. Its amazing! Keep it up!


@ThatEMOchickDezi Thank you so much! <3 And if I may ask, what did you use as her middle name?


@KittyMariee its so beautiful and amazing <3


@ThatEMOchickDezi  Thank you! And honestly, I love the name Hazel, but I like names ending in -lyne as well, and I was pregnant and thinking of names, and came up with Hazelyne and thought it'd be good for the book. I'm glad you like it enough to name your daughter that though! That's amazing. Thank you so much!!