
Losing interest in Betrayal Amongst Friends...I’ve lost I might be searching for new inspiration on shorts stories. A potential sequel to “My Love?” might be in the making, as well as other short stories that might involve Betrayal Amongst Friends Characters :)


Losing interest in Betrayal Amongst Friends...I’ve lost I might be searching for new inspiration on shorts stories. A potential sequel to “My Love?” might be in the making, as well as other short stories that might involve Betrayal Amongst Friends Characters :)


Polyvore has recently been deleted and I have recovered my sets through Fashmates a new site. The account is the same- OConner1940 so if you're looking for those they still exist! The site is still new and is pretty cool if i say so.         ~A xx


Hey Guys just wanted to let y’all know I published a new book and am really excited to start this series and I hope you guys like it!!


The Falling Broken Mirror. My phantom book that’s all