
Dear God, the sweetest girl reading this is kind and I’m proud of her. Pls help her live life to the fullest and bless her in her chosen feild! Now you’re on the clock. In 9 minutes something will make u happy. Pls share this prayer with 9 gals u love ❤️ Remember only for *girls* send this too 15 gals and something incredible will happen in your life


A star has five ends. a square has four ends. A triangle has three ends. A line has two ends. But a circle of out friendship has no ends. Send this to all of your friends (including me if I am one ;) if you get five back, you're a good friend. If you get ten back, you're popular. If you get fifteen then damn;)


Hiiiii I will be ur friend  ❤️ 


@-_MuochaosMuichiro_-  oh cool if you are born on the 14 then you have the same bd as my sis


also our birthdays are only 10 days apart, I was supposed to be born on ur bday but I came out late