Hey there. I just want to tell you that... THANK YOU FOR READING RED EYE BEAST INFO. Because of you, Red Eye Beast is in #1 in characterinformation. So... It's only fair that I'll try to finish one more group. And that's the Aoi Group. The difference with any other group is, they only have three members and they're just best friends. Like... Sharing a dorm room. And I'll have a Q&A in Red Eye Beast Info. If you want to ask something, just ask in the Red Eye Beast Info comments. I'll be waiting for at least 15 questions. I'll wait until it's 6th June.

@Kitty_NekoChan1 You're welcome. For questions, 1: who is your favorite singer?, 2: do you like Tokyo ghoul? 3: Who is your creepypasta? 4: what do you want to be when you grow up? 5: what language can you speak? 6: do you have mental illnesses? 7: what do you mostly feel in the rest of the day. That it for today.

@Kitty_NekoChan1 You're welcome. okay. for the Q&A. 1: Why are the Aoi Group has 3 members instead of four? 2: Isn"t the hanako supposed to be the daughter of Aka-Manto since they do share the same bathroom? 3: How old are you? 4: If you have, what is your youtube account? 5: again. If you have, what is your instagram account? 6: Where do got that profile pick? 7: How do you discribe(i dont know how to write it) your self in one word? 8: What is your favorite music? 9: Who is your favorite OC? 10: Can you make a step by step Kasane Akai drawing? That's it.