
Merry Christmas everyone! 
          	And Happy Holidays!! 


Sooooo I'm going to otokon so I won't be drawing for a while aaaaannndddd I hope I get to see some of you guys! If you guys see a girl wearing a black majoras mask t-shirt and a majoras mask hat. Yep dats meh, come free to say hi I guess. And just to let you know Otokon is in Baltimore Maryland USA


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Eyyyyy Everyone! I am not dead which is a huge surprise, but My writing has been very slow because I'm still unpacking things and there have been so many things happening. But enough of That, I will try my best to keep up my writing but I do have one Announcement.. For any of you Minecraft players there is this 1 Server which Is fucking awesome!
          Here is the link:

          This is the website, I would defiantly recommend playing this server But In the meantime I'm going to bed so i can sleep and then start to continue to write. Have a great night!