
Hello my lovely people!
          	Okay it's been a while since I posted and I'm so sorry but I've had a new fic idea! (Like I haven't got enough drafts on the go anyway but oh well) So I feel like I need to dive into who is best at cooking/baking in the deep? 
          	I know that we only had one episode of Fontaine's baking going wrong but I feel like that might eliminate her XD 
          	I definitely get the impression that Ant and Maddy are too much Chaos Gremlin energy to have much culinary success at this stage 
          	Presumably Will and Kaiko have to have at least some kitchen skills given that they've raised kids on a submarine and have more than likely been responsible for cooking (also Will + Monkshood love the way Kaiko makes pancakes XD) 
          	Professor Fiction is either going to be a complete disaster and somehow turn an oven into a nuclear bomb while trying to bake cookies or he's going to be an expert and could open a 5-star restaurant in his spare time 
          	The Dark Orca pirates kinda seem like a lost cause given that nearly all their food is pickled in vinegar but since there is numerous people living on their sub, I like to think that at least someone on there is somewhat competent. I feel like either Finn or Danny Boy could secretly be great chefs
          	I'd love any other thoughts or opinions from anyone?


@the_deep_nerd Kaiko's dad: pleaseeeee?! She wants you to come over for a meal sometime anyway


@KiwiBunny123 pyro: I'm not bailing you out again 


@the_deep_nerd Kaiko’s dad: it’s even worse than last time 


Hello my lovely people!
          Okay it's been a while since I posted and I'm so sorry but I've had a new fic idea! (Like I haven't got enough drafts on the go anyway but oh well) So I feel like I need to dive into who is best at cooking/baking in the deep? 
          I know that we only had one episode of Fontaine's baking going wrong but I feel like that might eliminate her XD 
          I definitely get the impression that Ant and Maddy are too much Chaos Gremlin energy to have much culinary success at this stage 
          Presumably Will and Kaiko have to have at least some kitchen skills given that they've raised kids on a submarine and have more than likely been responsible for cooking (also Will + Monkshood love the way Kaiko makes pancakes XD) 
          Professor Fiction is either going to be a complete disaster and somehow turn an oven into a nuclear bomb while trying to bake cookies or he's going to be an expert and could open a 5-star restaurant in his spare time 
          The Dark Orca pirates kinda seem like a lost cause given that nearly all their food is pickled in vinegar but since there is numerous people living on their sub, I like to think that at least someone on there is somewhat competent. I feel like either Finn or Danny Boy could secretly be great chefs
          I'd love any other thoughts or opinions from anyone?


@the_deep_nerd Kaiko's dad: pleaseeeee?! She wants you to come over for a meal sometime anyway


@KiwiBunny123 pyro: I'm not bailing you out again 


@the_deep_nerd Kaiko’s dad: it’s even worse than last time 


Hello!! Wow, it's been a while, I haven't posted in forever and I'm so sorry, I promise I am working on that, things are being written behind the scenes, and in the meantime, here's a sort of incorrect quote for you to enjoy!
          Maddy: *singing* What are the states where Al can't go? Arizona, Utah and Ohio
          Ant and Kaiko: Oh my!
          Damien: *also singing* There's three more states where Al can't be: Texas, New Hampshire and Tennessee 
          Alpheus: I'm also not welcome in Europe 
          Ant and Kaiko: *concerned, surprised Pikachu face*


@the_deep_nerd Will: last time Pyro and I were bailing them out, one of the police officers said they had their own  'usual cells' they went to because they're in there that often


@KiwiBunny123 will: and they're nor even working together or anything, they just get arrested so often!


@the_deep_nerd will: he’s another one who’s just as bad, the amount of times I’ve bumped into pyro at the police station when she was bailing him out and I was bailing out kaiko 


Hello, my lovely people!
          How are you all? How have your days been/how are your days going?
          Here's how my day is:
          I woke up to find out that my house had been burgled in the night, so that's fun
          The main thing is that everyone is okay, no one got hurt and that's the most important thing to focus on, the rest is obviously not very nice but it could have been so much worse, so I guess there's a silver lining
          I also want to talk about some good news for my fics, I've been quite busy lately and that coupled with writer's block has made it really hard to find time to write, post or update anything
          However, I'm happy to announce, the inspiration is back! The words are flowing and I'm trying to get as much written as possible while it lasts! I'm focusing on a couple of one shots that I've been working on to try and keep it realistic that I'll be able to post soon but I am also working on the very long fic that I've been writing behind the scenes for over 18 months now and it is getting LONG
          My goal with this fic is to focus on getting it near enough completely written and ready to post before I actually post any of it because that way I should be able to keep to realistic updating schedules and keeping on top of it will be a lot easier to manage
          So yeah, just wanted to update you all and  check in with you, hopefully I might (should) have something to post for you all soon 
          Hope you're all okay <3


Hello, lovelies, how are you all? I have a couple of things to say:
          1st of all, I had an appointment earlier to discuss the treatment of my recent health issues, I've been struggling a lot with it, largely due to neurodivergent issues and can I just say, the lovely doctor I saw was SO amazing, she doesn't specialise in neurodiversity at all but when I explained to her the difficulties I've been having as a result she was SO supportive and it should really be a given that this kind of treatment and support is given everywhere but it really isn't (eg I mentioned my neurodiversity to a different doctor a few months ago while looking for much-needed support and he told me quote 'you look very nice and intelligent, you'll be fine, I don't see it, you don't need any extra services' and honestly, the dismissal of what was and is a huge part of my life was so disheartening since it's hard enough having to try and accept that my brain works very differently to everyone else's and trying to navigate the world which is primarily built by and for the neurotypical brain is very overwhelming but being told that my issues aren't great enough to access support is also very upsetting) 
          But yeah, rant over, sorry I went on a bit there, I'm very passionate/annoyed about it XD overall, the doctor I saw today was utterly amazing and her support meant so much to me and I've also started counselling recently so that's pretty exciting
          2nd point, I haven't posted anything in so long and I'm so sorry, I promise I'm still writing and I have a random question
          What is Mad Madeline's favourite colour?
          This is for a fic I'm  writing and I need someone else's opinion, I honestly thought I'd already made a post about this before but apparently not XD
          My gut always says red but I think that might be based purely on her hair ribbon and the colour of the skull on her shirt, I'd love anyone else's opinion 
          Thank you!! How are you doing? I hope you have a lovely day/night <3


@the_deep_nerd Fontaine: oh my god seriously?! 
            Finn: *sulking* I want my Fontaine time 


            Maddy: finns mad that we're friends now 


Hey lovelies! How are you? 
          I’m sorry, this is a random one but it’s really playing on my mind and idk what to do.
          I have an amazing friend who I’ve known for almost 6 years and we’re incredibly close, last week they asked to meet up with me in a couple of weeks time and without thinking, I agreed because I love hanging out with them. 
          I realised later that the day they want to meet up is Valentines, which I thought was just a coincidence and we’d be meeting up as friends.
          I have since learned through people that they have told and their lack of discreetness that I think they’re actually planning this meet up as a date and I don’t know what to do. I love them to death but not like that, we’re really close friends but I just don’t feel that way and I don’t know what I should do. From what I’ve heard, they’ve bought me a gift and everything and I don’t know how to politely manage this situation without ruining a friendship or doing something that neither of us is comfortable with.
          Sorry for the randomness but any advice would be really appreciated? Thank you all so much xxx <3


@the_deep_nerd Thank you! xxx I should see them tomorrow at some point so I'm going to try and speak to them to try and explain everything xx <3


@kaisha9199 Thank you so much xx I think I'm going to speak to them tomorrow and see how it goes <3


@KiwiBunny123 you should tell them the truth or ask them before you go out and let them know how you feel about the situation 


Hello my lovelies! How are you all? I hope you’re well, let me know how you’re lives are going! 
          Mini life update: 
          I’ve still got a lot happening with my health but we now actually believe much of this is due to an autoimmune disease I never knew I had and while it is incurable, it can hopefully be managed so I’m very lucky really, I’m getting some new medication sorted and slowly but surely I might be starting to get better. I am also starting counselling soon which I’m quite nervous for but also quite exciting because I’m hoping it’ll help me to figure out everything that’s happening in my head and how to cope with it all since I have been struggling a bit lately 
          Fic Update: 
          I know I haven’t updated anything in quite a while so I’m so sorry but I have been working on a lot behind the scenes, including a pretty long, hopefully fun one shot which should be ready to post soon. I’ve somehow got the epilogue of TAP all complete and ready to go but I’ve still got to edit the final chapters before they can be posted. I’m also working on a very long, angsty, fluffy, hurt/comfort found family fic which I won’t start posting until I’ve written most/all of it which is going quite well at the moment. 
          Please feel free to let me know any suggestions/requests! Hope you’re all doing okay xxx <3 


@ KiwiBunny123  Thank you so much <3


@alpheus_wifey happy birthday!! I hope you have an amazing day xx <3 


@ KiwiBunny123  I'm really good and it's my birthday!! ❤️


How is it that I can't write  a two page report which is actual work that I NEED to do, with a deadline I actually have to meet, and yet I can write thousands upon thousands of words of fanfiction in just a few hours? XD


@KiwiBunny123 Lol. And then when I actually have time I don’t feel like writing fanfiction. I wish you the same for your report!


@FireCloud3 Exactly! I don’t think my brain understands that I actually have to get stuff done within a certain timeframe while we can write fanfiction anytime! Best of luck working on your essays xxx <3 


@KiwiBunny123 I feel this so bad. I have essays that NEED writing but I have no willpower to actually do them, yet I can write fanfic the length of the essays in an hour. Agh!


Hello, lovely people! I hope everyone who celebrates has had a lovely Christmas and those who haven't have had a lovely week or enjoyed any other holidays they may celebrate <3
          This is so random but I had an idea and now I have questions for you all (I apologise in advance, my beloved neurodivergent brain works in mysterious ways and even I don't know what's going on in there half the time XD)
          I recently decided to rewatch Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and halfway through, I had an idea of a possible fic. I've only ever written for The Deep before but I am in lots of other fandoms as a reader rather than writer and this fic idea would be a crossover between The Deep and Camp Cretaceous. I've never written a crossover before either so this really would be new territory for me XD
          It's really only an idea at this point and I might not even end up writing it but if I did, would anybody be interested in reading it? Like has anyone else here watched Camp Cretaceous/been in the fandom? And if so, is it something you might consider reading?
          It's absolutely fine if not, I'm just asking out of curiosity if anyone might actually want to read it and if it may be worth writing?
          I'd love to know what you think and hear any opinions and please feel free to ask any questions! 
          Thank you all so much and I hope you're all doing okay, how are your lives going?  xxx <3