Not sure if you understand english but... WHY DID YOU FOLLOW ME IM GRATEFUL BUT LIKE WHY
Oh my gosh i love this i hate how relatable 95% of this is and good job at knowing more than one language I'm currently failing at my first language... AND I RELATE I ABSOLUTELY HATE SCIENCE mainly because im really bad at it but... OKAY IT'S COOL BUT IM UNABLE TO COMPUTE So um that's fun :) Yeah I'm rereading my message and really wondering what sugar i was on because HOLY HERA that was aggressive. Good job smart person! Not sure how you found Wattpad but you did and I can't complain.
@Dragon-Kitty56 We lack emojis down here but let's create one --> imagine a "big red-smilling-laughing-coughing face". Perfect : ) that was me when I saw your message BECAUSE WHY ARE YOU WRITING THIS WAYYYY ? (Humor, I kinda like it actually). --> (yes I like arrows don't judge me) to answer your question, I am in a international high school, which means that I study history and literature in english BUT we are studying poetry and I absolutely hate it (because I am bad at it, not because it is bad (which is different okay)). SOOO, I was completely desperate (I like drama) and I didn't wanted to read the "classics" to try understand something (as advised by my literature teacher) because you knowwww... motivation is lacking down here too. Then I just wanted to find "modern" poetry, I tried Wattpad, I've found you and forgot about poetry and how it works (which was predictable), and I just liked what you wrote, I mean the meaning of it. So here we are. Are you satisfied ? --> anyways, HAVE A GOOD DAY, NIGHT, ENJOY YOUR MEAL, HAVE GOOD GRADES, WHATEVER... I DON'T KNOW, BE HAPPYYYYY.