I've been writing for over a year with this book and had the idea for more than two years which i shared with a friend! I write because I like being creative and this is a great way for me to share the ideas i have, I hope you enjoy reading my work as much as I did when making it.(Copyed and kept) Unlike my friend i am very unproductive as i get easily distracted but i am trying to write more so i can keep up with Twisted Fates: Gods Blood. 

Any criticism is welcome! Just keep it reasonable, like "You could have made X feel more anger towards Y". Telling me to remove entire characters because you don't like them is an example of extreme criticism. If you notice errors then please inform me. If i spelt something wrong tell me because i make a lot of spelling mistakes, I am English so keep that in mind if a spelling is different from yours. It may be right for me.

I have linked my (and my friends) pinterest so you can see our plans as well as get a rough idea of our characters looks. We do not claim theses images as our own. We are just using them as starting points for describing characters.
(The other person is writing a book, in the same series as mine, in the same time frame. We will have various crossovers and we have influence over each other's stories, like if there is a volcanic eruption in their story, then it will affect us both).

By the way, yes i copyed this from my friend ThePolarEclipse who is writing Twisted Fates: Gods Blood. Lol i didnt know what to put. If you see this 'around' a word it's for me to personally check what I want to put such as an event, names or places. If you see --- At the end of a sentence, that's the point that I have stopped writing an I'm coming back to that.

Thank you for reading. 😊
  • Athad - Aquaine - Royal Palace
  • JoinedJuly 21, 2018
