
have you seen the Y2V12.5 spoilers?


@CSS655 I see hey thnx for clarifying me


@kiKiyotakaAyanakoji498 I saw this late so sorry for the late reply but I have gotten some info by the fact that koji didn't really have any monologue or closing thoughts or thoughts during the breaking which honestly makes it very ambiguous on what he actually was thinking because he didn't really confirm or deny anything she said & was also very passive during their conversation which was bizarre. It makes it a bit uncertain whether kei was right or wrong since we don't have anything clear cut. You can make the argument when "lets breakup" was said kei's emotions ran wild which is normal so she stopped reading him. Makes it more interesting & can lead up to him having regret if true but makes it worse what he did after the fact. But whether he loved or not was never confirmed nor denied by him in his thoughts.