
Hey everyone I got a quick question. Should I do a Harry Potter Fanfic? I got some ideas but want to hear from you lovely people first. If not HP there's some I wouldn't mind doing but I'm stuck.
          	~Harry Potter 
          	~Fall out Universe
          	~OP game life type story
          	These are the prompts I'm stuck try to pick and would like to hear from you guys about which one you would like to read while I do the Naruto fanfic.


oh or Elders scroll either online or Skyrim since those two are the ones I'm most familiar with


Hey everyone I got a quick question. Should I do a Harry Potter Fanfic? I got some ideas but want to hear from you lovely people first. If not HP there's some I wouldn't mind doing but I'm stuck.
          ~Harry Potter 
          ~Fall out Universe
          ~OP game life type story
          These are the prompts I'm stuck try to pick and would like to hear from you guys about which one you would like to read while I do the Naruto fanfic.


oh or Elders scroll either online or Skyrim since those two are the ones I'm most familiar with


Hello everyone sorry for not updating much but this news may not be any better 
          From what I'm seeing with the comments on this site and how wattpad may be getting more restrictive in their censorship on stories and comments it might be time to start moving at least for me.
          I like cussing maybe not every other word but I do, especially for comedic relief or to emphasize a emotion. But the point being that my content will have stuff that could get the book deleted and for that I'm going to find another place to write just in case.
          I'll update you on this but it won't stop me, just now I got to move stuff. 
          Otherwise I hope you all are doing alright and had a good new years. Untill next time 
          Kizzer out


I have made a new fanfiction and I was wondering if you would check it out.
          This has been an idea I had had in my mind for quite a while and I had decided to make it into a real fan fiction.
          So can you please read it and tell me what you think.


Welp I'm taking a break, right now I'm work on 2 chapters for the one-shot/doodle/yandere book, and one for Minato's and Kushina's Vengeance 
          But here's the real question
           What's your favorite drink 
          •Jarritos mxn cola
          •Or main brands/normal drinks like Cola, Sprite, Fanta
          •Or craft stuff 
          Let me know
          And for me I gotta ask what language do you guys prefer to speak in? For me English but I can do a little Spanish and tiny, minuscule Tagalog but very very little almost none. When ever I get notifications they're usually in another language and I'm doing all this on my phone and can't copy and paste it to identify it so in layman's terms... help meee!


@KizzerLint029 Coke or sprite and english


Aye guys, just here with a quick news, earlier today I twisted both my ankles while hiking, hiking 7 miles with twisted ankles, I'm going to be on hiatus for a couple of days, hope you all are have a nice day or night and again I want it known if anyone needs help or someone to talk to I'm here. Cya ya


@KizzerLint029 Hope your ankles heal


Hey people just a heads up, Minato's and Kushina's Vengeance is underway and yandere x Male reader is also underway so give a couple days or so.
          Besides that, which team are you choosing 
          (This is for American football so those who don't like or know it you don't need to choose)
          Anyway good night