
I have been working on small little things... 
          	Short stories and such.. 
          	But I can never finnish anything... ¬.¬ 
          	I will.. At some point in the future ^o^
          	Thanks for staying... Even if I am really infrequent :D xx


I have been working on small little things... 
          Short stories and such.. 
          But I can never finnish anything... ¬.¬ 
          I will.. At some point in the future ^o^
          Thanks for staying... Even if I am really infrequent :D xx


So, t's a little late!
          Happy New Year! Thanks for being my fan.. even if I rarely post anything... I'm sorrrry :P 
          But I hope 2013 will bee really awesome for you and you friends and family... :D xxxxx


          I haven't posted ANYTHING in a very long time.
          Im about to try and rectiry this now by trying to finish a chatpter that I started last time I was online. There's (i think) about 3 that I've strarted.. 
          So without further ado, I shall get typifying.. :D xxxx


Ive had summer. And haven't written anything.. My goal is to finish anything I have got started by the end of September. So thank you to anyone thats still here ^.^ I love you all :D Xx
          (Also did anyone watch Doctor Who? Message me if you did. I need someone to analyse it with) :Dxx


So uh... Hey. I havent posted anything in a long time :D Im trying to write a new chapter of Jezzabel, but its taking a while... I am trying :) Ive had a few personal problems.. but it a lot better now.. so im trying.. Thanks for sticking with.. :D x


Working on the update for Into The Light :D
          Because Im nice Ima promo Amyscence... Read his new story One Last Chance... But you need to read College Life first... It is so amazing, It is one of my favourite boyXboy so you should readit... And if you don't your a homophobe...
          (Just kidding :D)