
Christmas I got a surprise from my boyfriend, it was defiantly my favorite he has given me ever.  Most of the time we will sit around in bed all Christmas and exchange each others gifts in the evening.  But this year he had given me a ✨promise ring✨ and I thought it was THE cutest, most beautiful thing ever.


@KlanceShiiiper that's so cute uwo


Christmas I got a surprise from my boyfriend, it was defiantly my favorite he has given me ever.  Most of the time we will sit around in bed all Christmas and exchange each others gifts in the evening.  But this year he had given me a ✨promise ring✨ and I thought it was THE cutest, most beautiful thing ever.


@KlanceShiiiper that's so cute uwo


          You’re book is the cutest thing I’ve seen all year. If you know Nicolas and Pierre. Then you’ll understand why I liked all the pictures ❤️ can’t wait to see more 


To my Sander Sides fans,
          I bet you didn't know that in ROMAN legend there was said to be two TWINS, who were named Romulus and REMUS, who were considered very popular almost like ROYALTY


@KlanceShiiiper I love this story. Wherent they raised by a wolf?


@KlanceShiiiper *laughs in Greek/Roman mythology lover*


          You have been chosen to be showered with love so enjoy!
          Now post this to everyones wall who you think deserves all the love in this world.
          If you get...
          1 back = you are loved
          3 back = you're popular
          5 back = you are the most lovable person out there
          9 back = wow I'm jealous
          Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone's heart!