
Final update to Waiting for Alessia has been posted


Hey, fellow humans, WFA chapter 9 is out. I had some extra time last night. Chapter 10 ain't coming out until I have 100 votes on the entire book, so make sure you've voted on every single chapter (there are only 10 or so parts to the book anyways) and tell your friends about it!


@Klymene15 not trying to sound annoying or rude, but when do you plan on updating Waiting For Alessia and it's very good, so I was only wondering 


I'm hardly offended - on the contrary, I'm honored. However, I've spent the last year on a study abroad... I actually haven't written anything recently, and I'm afraid I've forgotten most of what I had been planning to write in WFA. Perhaps I'll finish it this summer. Thanks for reminding me!


Greetings from the Netherworld,
          So, I've updated Waiting for Alessia (finally!). Enjoy! Ohhh. And look at all the yummy pictures of my cast too. Especially Dean Geyer, Josh Bowman, and Jamie Dornan. Fangirling, sorry.
          Please vote!
          And Comment!
          PS. I hope you all had a wonderful New Years!