
Hey my lovelies…I promise I’m not dead..there is no chapter this week because I have a amazing (not really) 4 page essay to do plus I have to write a speech for my graduation (your girl is getting her associates degree!)
          	Once it kind of calms down, I’ll get that chapter out! 


Hey my lovelies…I promise I’m not dead..there is no chapter this week because I have a amazing (not really) 4 page essay to do plus I have to write a speech for my graduation (your girl is getting her associates degree!)
          Once it kind of calms down, I’ll get that chapter out! 


Hey lovelies!! Life update: I have a boyfriend! Been dating for almost 2 months already! 
          I’m only like 4 chapters ahead of what is posted for my latest story so please be patient with the updates! Thank you for those who are sticking around <3
          To the person actively reading and commenting your reactions, thank you for the laughs. They are great!
          Finally, I’m getting my college degree in July! 
          That’s it! That’s the life update 


100 followers!!!! If teenage me could see this, she would think I’m crazy, writing fanfics..haha
          Ngl though, as I’m getting older I am finding it harder to write. There is getting to a point where I don’t have a lot of time to write. 
          Therefore, “A Stanger’s eye” will most likely be my last story. Who knows I may write one shots here and there but my adult life is becoming the main thing. 
          I will try to make it the best I can do, but just wanted to let you guys be informed that this chapter of my life will be coming to an end. 
          I will still be here, don’t worry…I’m still going to cry with you guys rereading my stories 