


Hallo guys you better follow my account for else (im the current owner of @kmskmsemo) this is just my more active account (consitering i havn’t been on this one in like a year LMAO) 
          SOOOO please do follow me on this account to get more updates and whatnot :)
           I already have multiple books posted and multiple in drafts. 
          If you like any of the following please come checkout my account! (notice, i have 7 drafted and 6 published!)
          MHA - Currently working on (drafts)
          TROLLHUNTERS - Last working project (published)
          TWD- Need to rewatch the show (drafts)
          TWD GAME- Cant think of any ideas (drafts)
          Sonic PRIME - Lwk given up on it..hehe. (drafts?)
          MLP - Still thinking of ideas…sorry (drafts)
          Theres more but i forget LMAO but yeah i love a wide range of movies and shows. If you’re genuinely interested in ANY or you’re curious please come check it out :)


Hello other account (Actually go follow my other account)