This is the notice people didn't want but probably knew was coming.
I'm quitting writing for DanMachi. To keep a long story short, it's just not enjoyable to me anymore. The series as a whole also doesn't give me the same satisfaction that it used to. I am sorry to those who patiently waited for updates but this is going to be the end of the road for me.
Beyond UaR I doubt I left that big of a footprint on the community anyway but I am grateful to everyone who joined me on my journey this far. It was fun while it lasted but I'm moving on. As of recently, I have been writing for a different series and on a different name but I won't disclose what those are for fairness. Still, I look forward to meeting everyone again if we do cross paths.
Also, regarding my stories, I'll just leave them open for anyone who wants them. I can't guarantee anyone person to make it official since people will most likely just steal the good ones, for their sake I hope they take the good ones, so anyone one who wants to build on them can if they want. If need be, I can give my stamp of approval if you guys feel you want it but don't feel pressured to at this point.
Maybe I'll come back someday but probably not. This is more or less the last time you'll here from me as a writer. If you see me elsewhere, I'm doing so as a reader much like everyone else.
Thanks to everyone for all these years of DanMachi fanfiction and I'm sorry to everyone I let down