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You know what's really fucking laughable about Buddhism?
Just Devadatta.
He was so fucking extra in everything. That bitch probably got into a fistfight with Lord Buddha when he was still a prince over a swan that he shot down. And the way he tried to kill him? Guess how he tried to kill him.
Fucking elephants on crack and nail polish.
Think about that for a second.
Imagine spending weeks or even months train elephants to be cold-blooded killers and the second they are within 10 meters of your target and they just bow down because anyone who dares kill Lord Buddha will soon become his disciple because god forbid he die. Not to mention, he painted his nails with poison. He could have died in the process if some poison leaked into an open wound he didn't know about and the second, THE SECOND he tried to kill Lord Buddha, the ground opened up and swallowed him.
Not to mention, before that, he tried to kill Lord Buddha the cartoon way with flying boulders, rocks and sticks. Imagine how pissed he must have been when he got the news that he died by eating a poisoned mushroom. A poisoned mushroom out of all things. He could have died attempting to kill Lord Buddha and no one batted an eye but the second he eats a poisoned mushroom, everyone is weeping their eyes out because 'Oh No ThE lOrD bUdDhA iS dEaD wE mUsT nEvEr EaT a MuShRoOm AgAiN'.
In conclusion, Devadatta should get more recognition for the ways he thought outside of the box when trying to kill his teacher.
*drops mic*