People pushing and pushing for Cole to apologise to US are ignorant towards the folk that called him out in the first place. THEY deserve a sorry!! They deserve that big apology NOT US!!! If you think you're doing a good thing by constantly telling him to post a public apology, you're not. You're adding fuel to the fire by pressuring him to apologise to us when it's not us he has to apologise to. If we're gonna pressure him to apologise to anyone it should be to the crew and others. If he's focusing on us the people he wronged aren't ever going to get closure, a deserved apology. That isn't fair.
@Objectshowsrock123 i'm hoping cole is reading comments cuz i commented a whole ass paragraph to both him and fans. smh. i wasn't being moody or anything just genuinely trying to get him to apologise to the crew.
that apology was buns. didn't even feel like an apology. apologise to the crew, apologise for making racist statements, apologise for stealing assets. omds it's not that hard?
yeah i heard what cole did. i'm so upset. i'm disappointed. i looked up to cole as a os creator, i thought i could trust somebody like him. i'm so sad because c2bc is my comfort show and it was nice it had representation. i'm disappointed with his actions and i'm so sorry to the crew.
@AUserShe long story short, cole made a racist joke, overworked his crew to HELL, is very manipulative, stole assets and was just a very hateful, spiteful person. very immature. in his apology he pulled the "i had a black gf " card too. YGH!!!