
I'm curious, would you guys like to see an end to the stories I have left? Like are yous wanting to see the finals? My feelings have been conflicting on coming back and finishing, hell I've even had knew ideas pop in every once and a while bit haven't wanting to start anew.
          	Let me know ya'll, hope everyone is taking care in this crazy world 


I'm curious, would you guys like to see an end to the stories I have left? Like are yous wanting to see the finals? My feelings have been conflicting on coming back and finishing, hell I've even had knew ideas pop in every once and a while bit haven't wanting to start anew.
          Let me know ya'll, hope everyone is taking care in this crazy world 


The first chapter and prologue of my puppyshipping book is finally up guys! This will be a darker and serious story to what you may be used to seeing from me. There is some warnings in the prologue but if you do chose to continue reading then I hope you all enjoy!!!


Would you guys be interested for if I do a puppyshipping book? I have an idea in mind and maybe the first chapter done but would like the voices of my lovely readers.


@KnightWolf05  good  Really I can’t book it later   Keep I hope you guys new coming  soon bye    I’m good ☺️  


@KnightWolf05  i really love ur books it is very beautiful i looking forward to reading more


@KnightWolf05 Yes I love the idea and your books ❤️❤️


hey may i ask if u hate yami and yugi for some reason? cause at the end of '"the singer thtag grew" u had both yugi and yami die, so im just wondering if u hate them for some reason?


Lol it's fine. And I'm glad to hear you enjoy them!!


@KnightWolf05 alright just wondering is all, love ur Yu-Gi-Oh stories by the way


Hey matter of the fact I do not! I love this shipping, however I wanted to try something new with my endings as they always end up perfect in the world and everything went the main characters way 