
Whop there it is! Another magical wolf and witch filled Friday. A new edited chap of Wolf & Hood is up with all the sass!


Hey all, I am taking a bit of a hiatus from Wattpad due to personal reasons. I have been debating whether or not to repost Wolf & Hood as I might want to  give it a go with publication. I have many other stories in the works just want to make sure I have enough to be consistent before sharing as that has been my biggest personal challenge. I gave you all chapter 3 of Wolf & hood today and will keep you posted when I have something to share. Follow for updates and wishing everyone a great start to spring!


@KnightofEmpires best of luck with your publishing goals or whatever you decide <3


Hey all sorry, no updates for Wolf & Hood. I know I need to rewrite this section and am being a picky witch about it and just don't have time right now. I am making big changes so need time to fix that. Would you prefer- A) I leave Wolf & Hood unedited up and just rotate in edited chapters? or B) Upload edited version until the new version is complete?


Hello my Wolves & Witches! ...So I did a thing. I took down Wolf & Hood- but don't worry I'm reposting it! The edited version is getting a glow up with a new cover and new content! It will be split into two books with the third book coming out starting April! Stay tuned for weekly updates. <3