
Here are my reviews for the winners for Dystopia!
          	@KnightsofDystopia and their book Otherborn: In the Wastelands Alone. Congratulations for first place! You all deserved it. The characters are so well written, and you really make me feel for the characters.  The description and emotion I feel through each chapter has me so captivated. I am so excited for the next chapters to be out! 5 stars!
          	@Thenarrarator_007 and her book Celestial Chronicles!  Congratulations again for second place! Ok, this was such a fun adventure! The wording and the way you described each of the characters as they went through their trials and testing was magnificent! You are an excellent writer. Thank you for this amazing book. I absolutely loved reading it. I've caught myself having my eyes wide. 5 stars!
          	@Saramitra and her book the Ellyrium Scepter! Congratulations on third place again! Much deserved. I love the detail in this book! I also love what inspired for the names in your book. It's so creative and smart. I was intrigued by the whole story. It's hard to explain how I feel actually. So, take this, (my inability to even write a good review) a big reward! This book is amazing. Seriously. 
          	  Well, *claps* amazing work to these talented authors. You all did wonderful. 
          	  Remember, I'm on the genre fanfiction (and there are a lot of them) so thank you in advance for your patience. I appreciate it. And, thank you all for your patience for my review! I am sorry it's kind of late but it's here now! If any of you have any questions, feel free to let me know. If it may be about this awards I'm hosting, or another topic like my books or your books, feel free to ask on my profile. I'm fine with people promoting books and questions. But, mind you, if I don't get to your comments, questions, or whatever, don't feel rejected. I'm just really busy and I know you all understand because, life is life!


@KnightOfGrace Grace you’re a marvel and a true knight, indeed! Thank you SO much for your kind support and enthusiasm for the works of so MANY writers on here! You are the best! We are tickled pink and so happy you liked it! 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for YOU! ✨❤️⚔️☄️


Just wanted to tell you that I'm really enjoying reading your fic, Sacrifice and Loyalty, so far  :)


@KnightofGrace of course!! I forgot to add it to my library and accidentally forgot the name and couldn't find it  but I will try to find time to read it now that I found it again!


@Shalyun Hi! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far. It means the world to me ;)


Here are my reviews for the winners for Dystopia!
          @KnightsofDystopia and their book Otherborn: In the Wastelands Alone. Congratulations for first place! You all deserved it. The characters are so well written, and you really make me feel for the characters.  The description and emotion I feel through each chapter has me so captivated. I am so excited for the next chapters to be out! 5 stars!
          @Thenarrarator_007 and her book Celestial Chronicles!  Congratulations again for second place! Ok, this was such a fun adventure! The wording and the way you described each of the characters as they went through their trials and testing was magnificent! You are an excellent writer. Thank you for this amazing book. I absolutely loved reading it. I've caught myself having my eyes wide. 5 stars!
          @Saramitra and her book the Ellyrium Scepter! Congratulations on third place again! Much deserved. I love the detail in this book! I also love what inspired for the names in your book. It's so creative and smart. I was intrigued by the whole story. It's hard to explain how I feel actually. So, take this, (my inability to even write a good review) a big reward! This book is amazing. Seriously. 
            Well, *claps* amazing work to these talented authors. You all did wonderful. 
            Remember, I'm on the genre fanfiction (and there are a lot of them) so thank you in advance for your patience. I appreciate it. And, thank you all for your patience for my review! I am sorry it's kind of late but it's here now! If any of you have any questions, feel free to let me know. If it may be about this awards I'm hosting, or another topic like my books or your books, feel free to ask on my profile. I'm fine with people promoting books and questions. But, mind you, if I don't get to your comments, questions, or whatever, don't feel rejected. I'm just really busy and I know you all understand because, life is life!


@KnightOfGrace Grace you’re a marvel and a true knight, indeed! Thank you SO much for your kind support and enthusiasm for the works of so MANY writers on here! You are the best! We are tickled pink and so happy you liked it! 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for YOU! ✨❤️⚔️☄️


  Popping on here to inform you that my next chapter of my SW book: Loyalty and Honour ( Honour and Loyalty?) I can’t remember…. ah, anyway,  the next chapter will be out tomorrow. I may start updating that book on Saturdays because, I just keep forgetting. Also, Fridays are days when I’m extra tired because of work and such. I do have to edit what I have in the description of my books, but I can’t do it right now (so if you see this and my description has been updated, you can forget I said this :))  I also realized that I forgot to post last week. Sorry! It really did slip my mind. 
            Just wanted to let you all know! Hope you’re have a good day, night, afternoon, or you’re supposed to be asleep but you’re up reading this…. Ok ok. 


Well, it was an honour to judge these books! My review will come soon. Not now, but in the next few days. 
          Congratulations to @KnightsofDystopia for 1st place for their book: Otherborn: In the Wastelands Alone! 
          Congratulations to @Thenarrator_007 for 2nd place for their book: The Celestial Chronicles! 
           And 3rd place, @Saramitra and her book: The Ellyrium Scepter! 
            Congratulations all of you! You deserve it. Guys, if you get the chance, check out these amazing books and give them a follow! 


@knightsofdystopia  Oh no! I hope you feel better now! I'm so glad this made you happy. This comment made me smile. No, thank you for all of the work you all have put into this series, it's amazing!


@WendyyWolfe Absolutely an honor. So kind! Thanks for sharing the journey with us!  ❤️




@KnightofGrace I am okay. I am trying to get the younglings to safety 




@AnakinSkywalker214  oh crap! I hope Obi Wan comes soon! He is your only hope. lol. And I hope the wound is seen to. Is Kix around? 


@KnightofGrace Palpatine has broken through our defenses and I have been badly wounded in the chest. I don't know where Obi-Wan is 