
Ugh darn school taking over my Wattpad life.


this message may be offensive
What u typed is that you guys are amazing and I cried when dobby died. Also that I want to kill what's his name FOR ALMOST MABYE RUINING JINS WEDDING! I also talked about my four amazing freinds and my life also I made a joke and this was it: I'm a book nerd so what sue me. I also said you could get more happy then when Vanessa said yes to JINS proposal. Also you guys are awesome and now I'm going to cry because dobby is dead, IM GOING TO KILL WHATS HIS NAME,and scowl at jerissla.-knight 


Sorry I had to charge my iPod. Anyways online talking is amazing for me. If you met me in real life you would think I'm lying and some other person is Knightwolf because I be more like myself online. I feel like I don't have to care if people hate how I'm like online I don't know why don't judge. I will just sit around at night being online just to hang out with people I don't even know forever and not care if I'm tired the day later. It's just feels better to tell someone you know won't tell anyone you know what's happening in your life again don't judge this is a actual scientific fact that people will do this. Why I'm not sure I guess. Back to people on this I'm getting of topic. Anyways people on this can change how your feelings in only a chapter. You may feel sad and read a book and be happier than jinbop when Vanessa says yes to marry him in Hawaii.what? I'm a book nerd sue me. Or you could be happy and in one chapter you could be bawling when dobby the best character ever dies.single tear. Yes I cried a bit when dobby died I mean who didn't it's dobby!! Or you could be mopy to angry when what's his name interrupts JIN AND VENNASSES WEDDING HE SHALL PAY!!!!! I have a lot of free time okay!! But the next Heroes aren't going to be the people who solve some disease or puts Hillary             


What's up guys this is just me acknowledging this app or for others website and the amazing community and the people in it. Now I might get a little weird in this but I have been really wanting to do this for awhile. Anyways back to the topic for some people who don't know what wattpad is but they are told it's where you can read or write story's or fanfics. They might say so it's just a fan page or something maybe. When it isn't!!! Wattpad has changed hundreds no thousands of people to be who they are and just let go and has helped people through problems or just can brighten up your day. I am one of this people and this isn't like other famous sights or apps online like YouTube! You can try to talk to someone in YouTube but it might just get ignored. Where on this you could try talking to some of the most famous people on This and you have a bigger chance of getting to talk to them! Or people who don't know each other can make an entire account and nothing bad happens! Also this is the best online community ever! I have never seen people be so nice online! Which is crazy!! I mean think about it on online games people will say that you should kill your self or tell you your some stupid person through a message or mic. On YouTube there is hate every where every where! I mean people try there hardest to attack pewdiepue because  he's very famous now don't get me wrong I'm not the biggest fan but he's still the same pewdiepie he was in the beginning he has just gotten better! But the best thing about this app or site is the people.


Hey guys just wanted to let you know I'm going to do a q&a for travlyn and I want to know what some questions are that you want me to answer. Also I did mention some ppls in a vid on my YouTube channel so if you want you can check it out!the ppls are cough*mck*cough*col*cough*cough*xthatOnech*cough* but go ahead and check it out!