
im starting over. all stories being deleted. 




A little something I'm starting:
          How could something be so evil, yet so profoundly interesting?
          	Eyes watering with nothing but fear as The Shape leaned closer. Fear is what he wanted, and I was giving him all of mine. I was cornered within my own home; my own place of “security”. Not a second guess in the world to call the police. If I were to even glance at the old white rotary phone on the wall, just a glance… Nothing good would come from it. 
          	The broad man - no… thing, in front of me had about 20 bullet wounds (if I were to take a hidden guess) across his chest. The blood seaped through his navy blue coveralls, soaking the already dark fabric in which he had no reaction of. It seemed like hours pressed up against this wall, his heavy - but oddly slow breath hitting against the latex of the white mask he had on.
          	‘How do I distract him from me?’


Prayers for my cat... His name is Kitty Boy (named him when I was three). He hasn't been able to eat much and he looks terrible, so we brought him to the vet and they said if he can't keep food down, he will have to be put down. They also did an x-ray and saw that something shifted in his stomach and he has a lot of blockage, which is why he throws up every time he eats. We're gonna dry giving him wet food this evening... I'm just really scared. He's the cat I grew up with. I don't want to lose him..


i hope everything goes well with him :( i just lost my childhood cat too, so we’re kinda in the same boat