
Hi guys. Sorry for not posting this earlier, but (HJH) or Hearts Joined Heavenly has been taken down. Please do understand that this is very hard for me as taking down a book in which you've put  all your heart to, is not easy. I am currently working on two more books and as soon as I am done with my part, I'll be updating it soon. Just one more question. Would you like one more book -apart from the two I am working on - like Hearts Joined  Heavenly?


Hi guys. Sorry for not posting this earlier, but (HJH) or Hearts Joined Heavenly has been taken down. Please do understand that this is very hard for me as taking down a book in which you've put  all your heart to, is not easy. I am currently working on two more books and as soon as I am done with my part, I'll be updating it soon. Just one more question. Would you like one more book -apart from the two I am working on - like Hearts Joined  Heavenly?


Hello Lovelies!  
          Wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year! May your 2K16 be filled with happiness and love and blah.. blah.. blah... lol. Just wanted to wish you guys! Love you all
          I'll be updating soon. . So till then Take care!