
Hello all. I am really writing this to rant so I won't be notifying my followers when I write this but I really have had a bad writers block these past couple months. I'll think of a plot for a chapter for one of my ongoing stories than either forget it or will just tell my self its not good enough. I just wish I could have the same spark as when I wrote Don't Panic. Sophomore year was such an exciting year for me when I wrote that, now its at 4.5K in reads while my other stories won't go over 100 besides Hear Me. Let me say I am truly grateful for each read big or small, I just wish each story would be as good. These days I don't have the spunk I used to have to write, but yet I want to go to school for journalism. Ugh, the constant battle I fight with myself. 
          	As I said this was more a rant than an update, I really hope everyone is doing good and is healthy. Have a good day! 


Hello all. I am really writing this to rant so I won't be notifying my followers when I write this but I really have had a bad writers block these past couple months. I'll think of a plot for a chapter for one of my ongoing stories than either forget it or will just tell my self its not good enough. I just wish I could have the same spark as when I wrote Don't Panic. Sophomore year was such an exciting year for me when I wrote that, now its at 4.5K in reads while my other stories won't go over 100 besides Hear Me. Let me say I am truly grateful for each read big or small, I just wish each story would be as good. These days I don't have the spunk I used to have to write, but yet I want to go to school for journalism. Ugh, the constant battle I fight with myself. 
          As I said this was more a rant than an update, I really hope everyone is doing good and is healthy. Have a good day! 


Hello, all! I hope for the people reading 'Take Me Home' are enjoying it so far! I'm sorry that there are only three chapters so far but one author is at college while the other author (me) is working and dealing with all the things that life has to ofter. We both really hope to update it soon since I am working on it every other week. Also I just wanted to add that I was lucky to meet Karen Gillian in November 2015 and I wanted to tell her about 'Don't Panic!' so badly but I got really shy so I didn't. Cause you know it's Karen Gillian! She doesn't want to learn about my fan-fiction. Well, I hope you all are enjoying your life right now and knowing me this will be the last update for a little while. So good luck with what life has to ofter. 


Hello all! I just stopped by to say I'm very sorry for not updating in awhile, I've been working on a couple other projects that I want to stay focused on for the time being. One of those projects may be a new fan fiction, just with this one I want to complete the story first before I do any uploading on here. I hope you all understand. 
          Have a great day! -KodiFloyd :) 


Update! Hi, I have a couple things to say. Well I'm graduating in a week and couple days. I'm graduating, that is something I never thought I would be able to say. In my four years of high school I have gone through so much, I don't want to go into detail since I doubt you guys want to hear my struggles in life but for a couple of words I'll say some major stuff. In my sophomore year of high school I brought a notebook into my English class, bored in class I began a little fanfiction called 'Don't Panic'. In that same notebook I wrote another fanfiction named 'Hear Me.' 
          I'm really proud of myself and how far I've gone on wattpad, the name KodiFloyd isn't just a username to me, it's a name that helped me be my true self. 
          In other news the newest chapter of 'Absolution' should be out soon I promise my lovelies. 


Well I guess I forgot to put this out here but late birthday to me! I'm not a young (kind of funny because my last name is young but anyways..) seventeen year old anymore! I am at the ripe age of 18 now. My birthday was January 20th. I mean i'm scared to admit to myself I am an "adult" but hey even though the county says i'm an adult doesn't mean I say I am!  
          Also a quick little update on 'Absolution', I know I keep saying I am going to be uploading a new chapter soon but I know I never get to actually doing it. I'm a senior in high school and will be graduating in June (June 16th to be exact), so after that wattpad will be having me all to itself. That means new stories and I will be updating soon! 
          Otherwise I hope you all have a wonderful day. 
          Peace and Love
          -Kodi c: