
For those who wanna get into the storyline for Ateez or at least wanna experience it for yourself here you go https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZDRutcwWE5yaN3qBLE6JXZg1IBgsA_cV


For those who wanna get into the storyline for Ateez or at least wanna experience it for yourself here you go https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZDRutcwWE5yaN3qBLE6JXZg1IBgsA_cV


Okay so i know a lot of you want me to update my stories but please understand i have about five of them and most of the time i write chapters whenever an idea hits me which isn't very often. And As far as Woojin goes if he did it he did it if he didn't he didn't we don't know for sure till more things come to light at this point we only have what we know so far and that's about it. Now please keep in mind i'm not the type to comment on things like what's going on with Woojin but i figured i'd at least say that much.