
Hello there. I would appreciate it if you stopped by and read out original manga/anime called TheRemnant.
          Drop a comment if you like it!
          Hi there.^^
          Please stop by and come check out our original story called TheRemnant. ^^
          After a failed suicide attempt, 16 year old Shikauhno Lee moves away from her foster family in America to her birthplace Ryojima, Japan. However the city is quite different from her memory; people are mysteriously vanishing and dying under the name Black Onda. And fresh upon her arrival she crosses paths with Ryo Yamano, a man who is allegedly missing. Strangely enough he denies his identity and threatens to rip Shikauhno's heart out...literally! In the nick of time a mystifying man wielding a guitar vanquishes the supposed Ryo Yamano and leaves Shikauhno with six cryptic words "Let the dead bury their own."


@LoliWithPotatoes Thanks. Hope you like it. ^^


I'll get to it right away~ ^w^