
Chapter three, Britain's Audacity is up in Identities! Took a while, again I apologize. As said at the bottom of the chapter, I will indeed be resting for a week, which means I would probably post two weeks later. Thanks for your support! ∠(ᐛ」∠)_


Chapter three, Britain's Audacity is up in Identities! Took a while, again I apologize. As said at the bottom of the chapter, I will indeed be resting for a week, which means I would probably post two weeks later. Thanks for your support! ∠(ᐛ」∠)_


News flash: the new chapter is going to come out later due to my own conditions and revising. I have finished partially, but I wanted to revise the chapter before posting. After all, I always check before I post something. Another news is that I will be resting for a few days to change up my posting schedule a bit. I have noticed that I don't necessarily have the time to write other than the weekends, so therefore I would post weekly (or two weeks) during the weekends. Thank you for your tolerance.


@Koidnulu OKie. No problem! :)


@Notaspy19 Thank you so much for your understanding! And hope you get well soon (-^O^-)


Chapter two, butterflies and knives, is up in Identites!  Thank you all very much for the support! I will be working on the the third chapter, but I still have other work due in real life. Hopefully, I would be able to post Sunday (or later)? The third chapter might be long or medium, but I'm not so sure since my work style is more of a go with the flow. Wish me luck with posting then. _(:⁍」∠)_