I have seen so many writers pausing their books because of hate. To those writers: There are always going to be haters, people who think they could do it better or just take your books the wrong way. You just have to ignore them. They will be indestructible. Watch these two videos please: 1) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FIRai8-GRaE 2) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fClnPB_fAFk I know they may seem childish, but honestly, you need to focus on the positive criticism. Not the "so-and-so is way too shy; I mean it's hard to relate" comments. Some people are just going to be set on "focusing on the wrong things". (Yes, I quoted Starlight, but what she says is true!). I honestly don't mean to offend anyone with this, but to a lot of you, I really do love you books. ;) To the haters: Please watch at least the first video and try to put yourself in the writer's shoes. You are all being completely oblivious to what they are trying to do with their books. They may be trying to state something (secretly) or just trying to entertain you with their stories. You don't like it. But you can at least come up with some positive feedback and not just a list of your own opinions. All you are doing with hurtful opinions is hurting the writer. You are making them less confident in their abilities and squashing their voices. If you don't have anything nice to say or a constructive criticism (meaning not criticizing the characters unless they are one of the most typical of stereotypes), don't say it to them. They don't need that form you. To all the people who love the writers and their:. Support them. Tell them you understand. Boost their moral. They need it so much. Every good writer needs a good moral boost from those who love them and their books. Hope this message was helpful! And please share this with any writers, writer haters, or nice followers of writers who are having a tough time.

The they in the sentence directly after the two videos is talking about the videos.