Hey, thank you for your vote on New Worlds! I hope your writing goes well:)
Done and dusted. Sometimes they're wild and people like that, while at other times they need to be tame. It's a bit like being a passenger in any vehicle: even the most interesting of landscapes can become dull if it's all you see, so to keep interest some diversification is required.
@MarkDerbyshire no need to feel sorry cause you couldn't supply me some teaching reading your works feels like your story is talking to me I could hear and almost touch it I've learned that stories are alive so wild and I just gotta tame it... Ahhh sorry hahah my brains going off the limits again I keep Imagining many stuff Ah do you have Facebook? If yes Please add me thanks! "James Umapas" - Bear out
Good to hear :) I'm sorry that it's not much, but at least it is something. It also helps to read great work (as in, things you enjoy, and think are great) and learn from those and even adopt some of their style to mix with your own. We learn and advance much faster by standing on the shoulder's of the giants who have come before.