RAHHHHH NEW ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BOOK COMING OUT!! SHIP SUGGESTIONS ARE NEEDED IF THERE WILL BE ANY!! also ideas would be cool cause I have no motivation but I also do have motivation!
@nagitoandkokichiSIMP I was actually wondering well if you wanted to be friends! We talk a lot on Wattpad when I'm online but you're really nice and i'd like to get to know you better!
@kokichispocketpussy Hey! I'm really sorry for not responding I've being doing exams and I've had behavioural issues lately! And the reason I haven't replied on disc is because at the moment I have nothing to log into my discord on and my phone's broken, I won't be getting a new one until Christmas but when I get a new one I swear I'll repay you because I haven't been able to write more on the oneshots!