Hi, good evening. How are you? I hope you're all doing great.
It's been a while since the last time I posted a message in my feed, and maybe some of you noticed that I've been inactive for a couple of months now.
The last few months were really depressing for me that I almost gave up on everything, including my studies. Some people knew how many times I wanted to give up, especially on writing which I was passionate about. Some people knew how I cry myself to sleep, only to wake up being as broken as I already was. And it was hard to do it by myself because I couldn't reach out to those people that I badly wanted to talk to.
I am sorry for not being able to reach your expectations as what you've pictured me as a person that inspires you.
However, I want to thank you for reading my stories, for supporting me, for reaching out to me on my social media just to know how I was doing, and I've never been so overwhelmed.
Thank you for my co-writers, for being my shoulders to lean on, and for being the best friends I ever had. You're one of the things that motivates me to become who I wanted to become. And seeing you grow as days go by, makes me the proudest fan you've ever had. I hope you won't stop on your journey until your last pen dries off.
This is my departure. IvyOfSpade is saying goodbye. I had fun and I will never forget how much I enjoyed being IvyOfSpade.
I will going to unpublish my works (except for Metanoia) to start anew. I also decided to change my username, and stop being a copycat of a Filipino band. I want to pursue this dream by starting as the better version of myself. And I want to write in passion, once again.
So this is how I say goodbye to my why's and what if's. This is how I end the broken fragments that had been torturing me for the past months; to start a new beginning.
Thank you so much and I hope you'll still be with me in my new journey.
IvyOfSpade, signing off.