This probably won't be posted for a long while but whatever
Now Midoriya was sure if he had ever heard this speech as a kid he would’ve gone mad, posting paragraphs about it online, talking about how it was wrong and All Might was amazing. But now Midoriya was now part of the minority who agreed: All Might is a horrible man.
Midoriya had been a computer kid, not only but he even ran an All Might blog from the age of 9. He was the biggest all might stan, and couldn’t stand his haters. He would out-type them on social media platforms, using such great grammar and writing that many people must’ve believed he was an adult the way they cussed him out. But Midoriya didn’t care, All Might was someone he could look up to as an intelligent child, aware of the horrible truth of a superhuman world. He wanted to have an escape from the mean kids on the playground and someone who stood for all that’s good. What better idol than the symbol of peace himself? Midoriya was aware of how horrible he could be, especially after meeting the man himself but all he wanted was someone to look up to, someone who was strong and brave unlike himself.
The summer after he met All Might he logged off his blog writing a grateful goodbye. He had spent many months trying to convince himself that All Might really was a good man but the more he read, learned and thought about it he realized how fake and mocking All Might was. All Might was discriminative against the quirkless and quirkly challenged. He often made backhanded or obscure offensive jokes. He made fun of many hero’s quirks and abilities even while announcing at UA high’s own sports festival, an event broadcasted all over the world. All Might felt safe acting this way, he had a good reputation, and quirk discrimination was a common problem. He knew people would agree with him. And he was right.