
Holo everyone! This, my dear Wattys, is one of the rare messages I write in this account! I already published the Sebastian x Reader book on my other account like I promised! For the newbies, I will NOT update anymore because I have another account called Anielys-chan and will re-make the stories made here (except the Cloud x Reader one... Sorry). Thank you for the many followers and I hope I see you guys there! Bye bye!♥


Holo my Wattys! It is I! Past Konamuru-chan and now Anielys-chan! Just giving you all a small reminder that I will not update any books in this profile anymore. If you want to check out the books made by me in my other profile, you're more than free in going there and check it out! Just wanted to give you a small reminder, that's all. Hope you're doing well in this pandemic and God bless you all!❤️


What is holosexual


@Anielys-chan yeah thanks for thé answer


@ Gallex09  Holo there! It's me Konamuru-chan, but with another profile since I forgot this one's password... and I wrote my email wrong (I can't remake my password without my email).
            First of all, I kinda grew out of the "Holosexual" phase, but only a little. To answer your question, a Holosexual is a person who like Holographic (Holo for short) stuff. This being clothes, bags, glitter, pencils, cups, anything that has to do with something holographic! May I warn that there are people who (in my opinion uncomfortably) are indeed "sexually" attracted to it (if I remember correctly that is). As for me, I just get amazed by it and wanted it no matter how useless the holographic object was, THAT'S IT.
            With all of this being said, I don't consider myself as a Holosexual anymore because, even though I still like holographic things, it's not as intense as it was before. Consider it a phase for me, although I STILL LOVE holographic things, again, it's not as intense as before.
            I hope this answered your question! I'm sorry for answering so late, as I said before, I (at least I'm pretty sure) don't have access to this page anymore. In all honesty, reading the description of me now as an adult is SO CRINGY I CAN'T! Anyways, I apologise once more for this and I hope you do well in life! God bless❤️


Holo everyone! This, my dear Wattys, is one of the rare messages I write in this account! I already published the Sebastian x Reader book on my other account like I promised! For the newbies, I will NOT update anymore because I have another account called Anielys-chan and will re-make the stories made here (except the Cloud x Reader one... Sorry). Thank you for the many followers and I hope I see you guys there! Bye bye!♥


For my fellow Wattys:
          My fanfiction "My long lost lover: Levi x Reader" will be erased in this profile and will be in my OTHER profile called 'Anielys-chan'. I'm going to give you all a warning, I still haven't finished it and it's a bit different from the one here, ok?
          P.S. I will be giving further warnings about my other books from my other profile, if you want to be warned about any updates, the go ahead and follow my newest profile 'Anielys-chan' because I WILL NOT update my books HERE.
          Sincerely, Konamuru-chan (Now called Anielys-chan)♥


Holo my fellow Wattys!♡ Believe it or not, it is I, the one we all knew as Konamuru-chan! As I wrote before, I have a new account (Anielys-chan) and unfortunately,  I did not redo the stories from here. Let me explained (a bit resumed though): 
          I am now a college student and already passed my first year, I had A LOT of work (easy and hard). I hope you now understand why the books aren't out yet.
          Also, sadly because the lack of motivation. But then I went to my old account (where I am writing) and saw how my followers wanted updates and that I KEEP GETTING MORE FOLLOWERS ☆_☆! That's when I knew.... YOU GUYS NEEDED UPDATESSS! ASAP!! I'll try my best to remake the best stories from my old account, BUT those remade stories will be in my NEW page where my name is Anielys-chan, ok? 
          Also, shout outs for those beautiful readers that complimented me because of my pics in my stories! I laughed when one of you called me Sarada XD. Thank you all♡♡♡! Remember, this page is my OLD one, go to my new one of you want updates, because there won't be ANY from here. Bye bye!!! <3


My dear followers and readers! I'm afraid I have bad news.... I have a new phone, which means I'll be making a new account! My name in the account will be the same but different as well, my real name is Anielys! Do not worry about the books though! I'll be making them again but a little different and realistic (by 'realistic' I mean the characters). I put pictures of myself in my books (except the Claude x Reader book) and I'll be making books as soon as my new phone charges. I won't hide many of my secrets anymore on my new account, ok? Can't tell you much cause I don't want any imposters. Farewell my friends! Until we meet again and may the holo be with you!♥


Hello, um, idk if you'll believe this or not, but the account @Depressed4Eternity is my old account. This is my new account. A year ago, Wattpad signed me out and it won't let me into that account anymore. So I made a new one and this is my account now. Idk if you'll believe me or not


Do you want me to unfollow you in your old one and follow you in this one?


Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear...


Everyone may I have your attention please! I have horrifying news, for those who adore my Claude x Reader, sadly there are no Claude x Reader anymore.... Why you may ask? ............ Wattpad.... At first all my chapters were somehow doubled, and so I erased the double ones, and the same day just a few hours later, I opened Wattpad so I can start a new story (in which I'm not ready to show, especially now), I saw '1 out of 1 published', in my Claude x Reader, I panicked! I entered it thinking that my phone was just trying to mess around with me, but no.... It was completely erased, except chapter one (I don't know why), so that means that sadly, my Claude x Reader will not exist anymore. If you read everything and is still reading this notification, I'll give you a gift, some information about my new book, this book will be VERY different from other books since this one will be a Sebastian Michalis x MALE Reader. I'm sorry, I'm really angry considering that I've done so much for this book... Now it's gone, this will also appear in the, sadly, second chapter of my book (I mean the warning, not the little hint of my new story), I'll be erasing the once Claude x Reader book in August 1st.... Farewell, my precious book... Curse you Wattpad......... *Cries in corner while at the same time punches the pillow in anger*


Holo (my way of saying hello that was not invented by me) everyone! It's me Konamuru-chan here with an important announcement!♥ If you read my stories, then I'll tell you why I'm not updating... Sadly, I don't know how to continue it, I do with some of them, but I then forget what I was going to put, if you have time or if you can, I have a request... Can you help me be inspired once more so I can update? I will tell you know the way to do so: Go to my page and...
          1) Greet me nicely (obviously)
          2) Tell me the name of the story you will be helping me with.
          3) Tell me how do YOU think the story can continue.
          Remember, no fights in case you don't like the other's comment over how that certain story can continue, for I will decide if it helps me or not. You will know I chose your idea when I update the story! ALSO! I will give you credit for the help, THAT is a promise :-)! I will be very grateful for your help. God bless you all and I'll see you guys in the pages of my phone! Bye!♥




@Konamuru-chan OMG, SIMPLYNAILOGICAL?!?!